3 Potential Pollution Problems At An Auto Salvage Yard

Auto salvage yards provide a much-needed service, by providing a place for broken vehicles to be stored and recycled. However, there are some potential environmental problems that can develop if appropriate considerations are not taken to stop pollution. The following three potential pollution problems have simple solutions that will make keeping an auto salvage yard environmentally sound very easy.  1. Leaks When a vehicle first arrives at an auto salvage yard, make sure that there are no leaks. [Read More]

Cold Weather Covers & Bug Screens: Good Protection For Your Truck

No matter whether cold winter temperatures are on the horizon or the weather is starting to warm up in springtime, your semi truck can benefit from a grill cover. One type of cover provides protection against harsh cold temperatures and road salt in winter, while another style acts as a bug screen in warm weather. Both block rocks and other road debris. Cold Weather Covers You may have heard that wind chills don't affect inanimate objects. [Read More]

Balancing Your Car Wheels

A car that has out-of-balance wheels will vibrate extensively at higher speeds, making the symptoms clear.  Nonetheless, many drivers don't realize that having balanced wheels is so important.  All that it takes is for a single ounce of imbalance in the front or rear wheels, and you can feel the vibration in your car's steering wheel or in your car seats, respectively.  This can lead to problems in your vehicle's tires and drive train. [Read More]