Avoiding Costly Transmission Repair

Taking care of your automobile regularly will help keep it out of the auto shop to get costly repairs. One thing you must try to maintain is the transmission of your vehicle. There are a few things you can do while driving that will help you keep your transmission running properly. It is a good idea to do routine checks under the hood to make sure everything appears to be in working order. Here are some tips you can use to help keep your transmission running the way it should.

Check On The Fluid

Check the transmission fluid level at least once a month to make sure you have the right amount in the reservoir at all times. The transmission fluid dipstick is usually located behind your engine. Wipe off the dipstick with a clean cloth and reinsert into the reservoir. Take the dipstick back out of the reservoir to check the level. There will be a low mark on the dipstick.

If you notice the transmission fluid is below this mark, look underneath your vehicle to see if there are any puddles that are pink in color. If you notice any, bring your vehicle to a mechanic to repair the transmission lines so you will not be caught off guard without enough fluid to run your vehicle properly.

Fixing a transmission leak will save you a lot of money in transmission repairs. If the fluid appears muddy or a deeper red, have it flushed and replaced with new fluid. Running your vehicle with dirty transmission fluid can cause problems with your engine over time.

Watch How You Drive

When you are driving your vehicle, make sure your vehicle switches gears smoothly without jerking or bucking. If you notice that the transition is not smooth, take your vehicle to be looked at right away at a shop like Brighton Automotive Inc. Leaving it may cause the transmission to get worse over time and the repair may be a lot less extensive if it is caught early.

Do not drive your vehicle quickly when it is first started to be used. Instead, drive slowly for the first mile or two after you start your engine. This will allow the transmission fluid to get to your engine to lubricate the parts. If you start off quickly, your engine will be working at capacity without having essential lubrication, possibly causing you transmission problems down the road. 

When shifting from gear to gear, make sure the transmission catches before you switch to another gear. Don't bounce through the gears one after another without giving the transmission time to catch up. You will know that the transmission has fully engaged into gear when it gets quieter after shifting.
